
We are three teachers/readers/writers with both desire and passion to bring good reading and writing in small packages through Suddenly Lost In Words: short fiction for young adults. Visit www.suddenlylostinwords.com to see us in action. Write, read, and join in!


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  1. very good, sounds really interesting and i believe that this will work out for you.

  2. Congratulations on this New Venture. Good luck. V.

  3. so very glad you have found an outlet for all of those wonderful words that have been bottled up inside of you all these years! Great, can’t wait to read more!

  4. I will spread the word!

    • Thank you for spreading the word!
      Spreading words is what we are all about 🙂

  5. Thanks for following, chaps!

  6. Thanks for the follow, chaps. Good luck!

  7. Thanks for liking my posts. I just tweeted and FB’d for you.

  8. Please contact me at texasdruids@hotmail.com. Want to ask you about posting on your site. Thanks.

  9. just wanted to visit a bit and thank you for liking my poem on 20 Lines today. the encouragement is geatly apprciated by this novice poet. 🙂

    enjoy and keep the ::::light::::

    • You are very welcome! Enjoyed your poem a lot. Well done 🙂

      • thank you much. the concept of your blog is pretty novel, sharing an online writing space. i usually do the bulk of my reading on my long weekends, i’d like to come back and visit again.

        see you all then.:-)

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