We don’t do challenges, apparently, or do we?

May 2, 2013 at 8:50 am | Posted in A-Z, advice, Challenge, Kindle, Kindness, Milestone, Patience, Short Stories, Sleep, Sunday, Writing, Reading, YA, Young Adult | 1 Comment

The April A-Z Blogging Challenge has come and gone. So has April. I thoroughly enjoyed following the blogs of all you bloggers out there who had the guts to commit and execute such a feat and blog every day in April from A to Z.  My hat’s off to you. Your tenacity and creativity deserve a huge pat on the back.

Pat on the back (2)

Speaking of a pat on the back, you may have noticed that we, here at SLIW, recently had a first birthday. * Insert another pat on the back here * If I were to say things like “Wow, what a year!” or “Boy, have we learned a lot,” it would be terribly cliche (although I personally love cliches) and awfully boring.

So, in honor/honour (yes, I’m bilingual, too) of the A-Z challenge that we missed and the milestone that we just passed, here is an entire A-Z in one go; the A-Z of our first year. It blows my mind to think that a little over a year ago, we/I had no knowledge of most of these terms.

A-Z challenge

(Yes, I know this says 2012, but I preferred last year’s logo to this year’s and since we missed it anyway, what difference does a year make!)

N.B. The item in caps at the end of each list explains how we made it through . . .

A         Authors, Absolute Write, Artists, Amazon, Acceptance, Accountants, ADVICE (taken!)

B         Blogging, Blogs, Bloggers, Books, Business, Bluehost, BANTER

C         Contests, Connections, Characters, Cover Art, Categories, Contracts, COFFEE

D         Duotrope, Decisions, Domain, DBA, Digital, DONUTS

E          Energy, Edit, E-book, Editors, ENTHUSIASM

F          Facebook, Follows, Friends, #FF, Formatting, Focus, Favorited, FAMILY

G         Google, Goodreads, Graphics, Guidelines, Genre, GRACE (of a deity perhaps)

H         Hyperlink, Hashtag, HD, Handle, HUGS

I           Interviews, Insomnia, ISBN, Indie, Images, Instagram, ICE-CREAM

J          Journey, Joliet Small Business Center, JELLY BEANS

K         Kindle, KDP, Kindle Fire, KINDNESS

L          Likes, Links, LinkedIn, Legal, Lawyers, LOVE

M         Marketing. Mail Chimp, M&Ms, MEDITATION

N         Nook, Ninety-Nine Cents, Networking, NUTS (pun intended)

O         Opinions, Omniscience, OREOS

P          Publishing, Pricing, Promotions, Photographers, Proofread, Pinterest, PATIENCE

Q         Quality, Questions, Query, Quicksand (just kidding), QUIET TIME

R         Readers, Reviews, Royalties, Rejection, Rights, Retweets, Reblogs, ROCK ‘N ROLL

S          Smashwords, Short Stories, Support, Strength, Schedule, Submissions, SLEEP

T          Twitter, Tweets, Tweeps, Teens, Taxes, Teamwork, Trends, TEA & TAI CHI

U         Underestimate, Underachievement, Up-and-coming, UNDERSTANDING

V         Vonnegut, Voice, Victory, VACATION

W        Website, Writers, WordPress, Words, WINE

X         X-factor (that special je ne sais quoi!) EXCITEMENT

Y         Yahoo, YA, Young Adult, YA Lit, YOGA

Z          Zzzzzzz . . . time to get some!

If you have been on any part of this journey with us, we thank you! If you are just starting out, we thank you, too!

Have a great day!

Clare @ SLIW

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